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NEW! Antarctic Multispectral Mosaic & Refresh Updates
Antarctic Panchromatic 50 cm Mosaic Refresh over Thwaites Glacier Region
Alaska Multispectral 50 cm Mosaic COMING IN 2020
Details and registration can be found by
visiting the PGC Viewers App homepage.
ArcticDEM & REMA Datasets in Google Earth Engine
Google Earth Engine is a web-based platform tool used for analyzing and visualizing geospatial information. It hosts multiple petabytes of datasets for academic, non-profit, business and government users. There is an extensive catalog of several types of geospatial data including satellite imagery, precipitation, sea surface temperature, land cover, and elevation data now including ArcticDEM and REMA datasets. Both datasets include the strip DEM files and mosaic DEM tiles. For more information about the data and methodology, visit arcticdem.org and pgc.umn.edu/data/rema. Google Earth Engine is accessible with a Google account and filling out the form at http://signup.earthengine.
Come stop by the PGC Exhibitor booth #411 at the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in San Francisco from December 9-13. This is one of our largest annual outreach events and we enjoy connecting with users and non-users alike. This year we are giving away our folded double-sided ArcticDEM and REMA map posters, while supplies last.
PGC Users Webinar Series Announcement
Let’s start the new year together! Join us for our second event in our PGC Users Webinar Series, an Introduction to PGC. Learn about the nature of our work and who we support. The webinar will include an interactive Q&A session with PGC staff and will be recorded, but we hope you take the opportunity to attend and ask questions you may want answered.
WHAT: Introduction to PGC Webinar
WHEN: January 29, 2020 at 12-1 PM Central
REGISTRATION: https://umn.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8iPD7ZMUQCSYTUN3nBBTFw
PGCers on the E&O Trail
PGC team members have been fulfilling Education and Outreach initiatives in many corners of the world. Public education, outreach and interest in scientific activities are goals of the National Science Foundation and one of PGC’s core missions. Here is a recap of where we’ve been sharing our knowledge and experience with the polar science community.
ArcticDEM workshop at the 2019 Arctic Circle Assembly from October 10-12 in Reykjavík, Iceland.
Risk Assessment Panel for XSEDE at 2019 NSF Cybersecurity Summit from October 15-17 in San Diego, CA.
PGC staff touring the Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) Permafrost Tunnel in September 2019 in Fox, AK.
REMA map at the 2019 Interdisciplinary Antarctic Earth Sciences and West Antarctic Ice Sheet meetings from October 13-18 in Julian, CA.
PGC staff and students networking with attendees of the UMN Spatial Forum on GIS Day in November 2019 at the UMN Minneapolis campus, MN.
PGC Director Paul Morin at the Supercomputing Conference 2019 with NSF Office Director Dr. Parashar and Dr. Bouman, who developed the algorithm leading to the first image of a black hole recently in Denver, CO.
QGreenland and PGC Support
PGC and Partners Win HPCWire Editors’ Choice Award for EarthDEM
We are honored to announce the EarthDEM team was recognized for the Best Academic / Government Collaboration in this year’s HPCWire Editors’ Choice Awards at the 2019 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and Analysis (SC19) in Denver, CO this week. The collaborative team includes PGC, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), NCSA Blue Waters, Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center, Ohio Supercomputer at the Ohio State University, the Arctic Geodata Cooperative, the National Science Foundation and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Read the original PGC Newsletter post here.