REMA Publication
The REMA team is proud to announce its publication in The Cryosphere journal! The article covers REMA’s construction including source … Continue reading REMA Publication
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The REMA team is proud to announce its publication in The Cryosphere journal! The article covers REMA’s construction including source … Continue reading REMA Publication
News and announcements from PGC for October 17, 2018.
ArcticDEM Release 7 is a complete re-release of the Arctic at 2-meter resolution.
ArcticDEM: 2m Topography and Surface Change Detection over the Arctic.
Listen to the podcast here!
News and announcements from PGC for June 15, 2018.
Quantarctica, a free GIS for Antarctica, releases Version 3 with hundreds of GIS layers.
Commercial satellite imagery users, please read! Important changes effective immediately.
ArcticDEM Release 6 adds much of Russia and Scandinavia. ArcticDEM now covers 97% of the Arctic.
PGC’s ArcticDEM project was awarded in the HPC User Innovation category.