2nd Round of Office Hours with US Antarctic Data and Sample Repositories:
U.S. National Science Foundation Ice Core Facility, Polar Geospatial Center, EarthScope, Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center
Tuesday, June 18 @ 8 am HST, 10 am AKDT, 11 am PDT, 12 pm MDT, 1 pm CDT, 2 pm EDT
Zoom registration (this will be a Zoom meeting, not a webinar)
We welcome all to a second “Office Hours” session to learn more about US Antarctic data and sample repositories; and what to expect when you want to post data, contribute samples, or access either. The expectations surrounding research data collected and produced by field projects have evolved (and continue to evolve!). Access to Antarctica has also changed and highlights the importance of opportunities for scientific discovery through our existing repositories.
This Office Hours event includes four NSF-supported Antarctic data and sample repositories:
- U.S. National Science Foundation Ice Core Facility (NSF-ICF)
- Polar Geospatial Center (PGC)
- EarthScope
- Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center (AMRDC)
Curators from these facilities will briefly cover the basics of what services they provide, how to deposit data and samples, and how access the resources that are currently available. The session will then be open to questions and discussion from online participants. We are excited to hear from you and answer your questions, so come to this meeting to learn the latest from us.
Sponsored by US-SCAR.