The PGC provides optical commercial satellite imagery from Maxar to United States federally-funded polar researchers. These guides will introduce commercial satellite imagery, explain eligibility and license restrictions and workflow for requesting imagery through the PGC.
EOCL License & PGC – FAQ
Detailed information about the Electro-Optical Commercial Layer (EOCL) License and answers to frequently asked questions.
Introduction to Satellite Imagery
Imaging the Earth from space: history, technology, and terminology of satellite-based remote sensing.
Maxar Satellite Constellation
PGC provides high-resolution imagery from Maxar Technologies. Here you will find information about the satellites' spatial and temporal resolution, spectral capabilities and more!
Imagery Eligibility
Find out who is eligible for access to commercial satellite imagery and how PGC determines access and use.
Usage Guidelines
Important information about the NRO EOCL license and proper image use.
Imagery Archive
PGC's imagery archive contains millions of scenes for the polar regions. Learn where, why and how the PGC collects imagery.
Requesting Imagery
Detailed workflow for searching for satellite imagery and requesting it from the PGC.
Imagery Processing Options
Glossary of parameters that PGC requires when processing imagery including file formats, projections, orthorectification, and other options.
Imagery Processing Decision Tables
Information for users to decide what imagery processing stretch and bit depth options are most appropriate for various purposes.
PGC Delivery Documentation
What to expect when PGC delivers commercial satellite imagery and derived products.
Citation and Publication Approval
Imagery citation and public use approval requirements (e.g. publications, posters).