The PGC provides optical commercial satellite imagery from Maxar to United States federally-funded polar researchers. These guides will introduce commercial satellite imagery, explain eligibility and license restrictions and workflow for requesting imagery through the PGC.


  • EOCL License & PGC – FAQ

    Detailed information about the Electro-Optical Commercial Layer (EOCL) License and answers to frequently asked questions.

  • Introduction to Satellite Imagery

    Imaging the Earth from space: history, technology, and terminology of satellite-based remote sensing.

  • Maxar Satellite Constellation

    PGC provides high-resolution imagery from Maxar Technologies. Here you will find information about the satellites' spatial and temporal resolution, spectral capabilities and more!

  • Imagery Eligibility

    Find out who is eligible for access to commercial satellite imagery and how PGC determines access and use.

  • Usage Guidelines

    Important information about the NRO EOCL license and proper image use.

  • Imagery Archive

    PGC's imagery archive contains millions of scenes for the polar regions. Learn where, why and how the PGC collects imagery.

  • Requesting Imagery

    Detailed workflow for searching for satellite imagery and requesting it from the PGC.

  • Imagery Processing Options

    Glossary of parameters that PGC requires when processing imagery including file formats, projections, orthorectification, and other options.

  • Imagery Processing Decision Tables

    Information for users to decide what imagery processing stretch and bit depth options are most appropriate for various purposes.

  • PGC Delivery Documentation

    What to expect when PGC delivers commercial satellite imagery and derived products.

  • Citation and Publication Approval

    Imagery citation and public use approval requirements (e.g. publications, posters).