NASA ROSES Announces A.45 Decadal Survey Incubation
NASA Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) announces a new program element, A.45 Decadal Survey Incubation (DSI). This new program is intended to enable the next generation of possible measurement technologies. As part of the research objectives, scientists are encouraged to learn the advantages and limitations of relevant existing datasets to better inform enhancements needed. Therefore, new EarthDEM elevation data are available to U.S. government-funded researchers, including investigators selected under this program, for select areas covering volcanoes, plate boundaries, coastlines, non-polar ice, and vegetated landscapes. Products include time-stamped 2m-resolution DEM strips from stereoscopic imagery collections and mosaic tiles merging the entire DEM collection at the 2m and 10m scale. Eligible U.S. government-funded researchers will receive access via NASA’s cloud-computing environment. Additional information regarding these products is available at https://www.pgc.umn.edu/data/earthdem.
Solicitation pdf
Pre-Proposal Conference
Date: wed., august 4, 2021
time: 1:00 – 3:00 PM eastern
host: NASA
meeting link: https://nasaenterprise.webex.com/nasaenterprise/j.php?MTID=ma42f70c282bd8066f3cad6a831cf918
meeting code & Password available in the solicitation pdf (page 14)
DSI program lead and science and technology leads will be available to answer potential proposer’s questions (within procurement regulations) about this program.
Questions concerning A.45 DSI may be directed to Robert Bauer at robert.bauer@nasa.gov.