Commercial Imagery

High resolution satellite imagery from Maxar available to PGC users at no additional cost to their award.

Earth from Space

Maxar, a U.S.-based space technology company, acquired the American commercial satellite imagery vendor DigitalGlobe in 2017. The constellation of satellites have been collecting imagery of the world in amazing detail.

With resolutions (pixel size) less than 1 meter, the satellite imagery can capture detail such as trees, chimneys, or … penguins.


The Maxar constellation of satellites includes WorldView-1, WorldView-2, WorldView-3, WorldView-4 (excluded from NextView license) QuickBird, GeoEye, and IKONOS.


Sub-meter resolution, multispectral bands, and frequent revisit for collection of up to one billion km2 per year.


Millions of individual scenes globally along with repeat coverage many times over.


Continuous collection of the globe and the ability to task new collection.


Example images from the polar regions from Maxar sensors.

WORLDVEW-1 (Panchromatic)
Íngia Isbræ, Greenland. Imagery © 2016 Maxar
Herbert Volcano
Herbert Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska. Imagery © 2012 Maxar
North Slope, Alaska
North Slope, Alaska. Imagery © 2016 Maxar
McMurdo Station, Antarctica
McMurdo Station, Antarctica. Imagery © 2015 Maxar

Imagery Access

PGC users have access to our archive of Maxar imagery for the polar regions including the Arctic and Antarctica.

Eligibility Options

Active research award from NSF Office of Polar Programs

U.S. Government contractor supporting NSF polar research

U.S. Government agency supporting NSF polar research