Web Applications
Browser-based web applications and tools providing access to polar data.
Web applications from PGC require JavaScript to be enabled on your browser.
Many of the web applications are best viewed on desktop, especially if you are looking to browse and download data.
PGC User Account
Many of the web applications below require an account with the PGC as they may contained licensed data or provide services to PGC core users only.
An account with the PGC is required to request any licensed data via the applications.
Request a new account here.
The FRIDGE system quickly connects cryosphere researchers to PGC’s large catalog of elevation and satellite imagery*, enabling interactive geospatial exploration in an easy to navigate web application and ordering.
*A login is required to access licensed commercial satellite imagery. If you do not have a PGC User Account, register for one here and include your active NSF OPP funding details for full access.
PGC Imagery viewers
Browser-based mapping application for viewing polar data layers including PGC’s 50 cm satellite imagery mosaics for Antarctica and the Arctic.
A login is required to view this application. If you do not have a PGC User Account, register for one here and include your active NSF OPP funding details for full access.
PGC Map Catalog
Browse and download thousands of scanned and georeferenced historical and contemporary polar maps.
More information is available on the Maps page.
Coordinate Converter
Lightweight web application for converting geographic coordinates between different formats.
Esri has developed a web application, ArcticDEM Explorer, to browse and download ArcticDEM elevation data.
Visualize the ArcticDEM dataset, apply basic change detection and analysis, and search the index.
Esri has developed a web application, REMA Explorer, to browse and download Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA) data.
Visualize the REMA dataset and search the index.
PGC ArcGIS Online
View the PGC’s ArcGIS Online page for access to many of PGC’s geospatial data services, available to view in an ArcGIS.com map or desktop GIS (ArcMap, QGIS).
A login is required to view some items.
Antarctic TMA Viewer
ArcGIS Online web mapping application for browsing Antarctic TMA aerial photography from 1946 to 2000.
More information is available on the Aerial Photography page.
COMNAP Data Dashboard
Management interface for Managers of National Antarctic Programs to edit information (including AFIM) in the COMNAP database.
To gain access, contact the COMNAP Secretariat.
Map-based browse interface for Antarctic and Greenlandic cosmogenic-nuclide exposure sample data.
This app was developed by PGC in collaboration with Greg Balco at the Berkeley Geochronology Center.