Cole Kelleher

Cole Kelleher

User Services Manager,
U.S. Representative to the Standing Committee on Antarctic Geographic Information,
SCAR Liaison to the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographic Names

(612) 625-6514

What I Do

As the User Services Manager of the PGC, I act as a liaison to the science community and manage our talented team of User Services staff and students. This consists of identifying new GIS/remote sensing and science/support trends that can help set User Services strategic goals and contributing to PGC’s overall goals as a federally funded science support center.  I also oversee and support PGC’s engagement strategy, working to build and strengthen relationships throughout the variety of communities PGC is and could be a part of.

As the US Representative to the Standing Committee on Antarctic Geospatial Information (SCAGI), I represent US interests and contributions to Antarctic geospatial data and information within the committee and report to the US Delegate to the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (US-SCAR, SCAR). I am also the SCAR Liaison to the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographic Names (UNGEGN).

  • Project Management Certificate UMN-14018653, University of Minnesota, 2016
  • Master of Geographic Information Science (GIS), University of Minnesota, 2012
  • B.S. Land Surveying and Mapping Sciences with a Minor in GIS, St. Cloud State University, 2010

My professional interests consist of, but are not limited to: organizational management, geomatics, data visualization, remote sensing, cartography, and design. I am continuously intrigued by the variety of learning opportunities and applications GIS and Remote Sensing offer myself and others, as well as their impacts on a global scale.  I am passionate about Arctic and Antarctic data, science, and environmental preservation and justice.  I recognize that any environmental justice efforts must begin with a lens of social justice and I strive to work through that lens in all of my work and relationships.


Science on the Ice Ed. 5, 2022
Atlas of a Changing Earth, 2021
TIME Magazine Special Edition: Modern Explorers, 2015