Call for Nominations
The Polar Geospatial Center is seeking nominations for their Science and Operations Advisory Committee (SOAC). PGC is recruiting members to represent 3 communities: 1) NSF Facilities, 2) Polar Operations/Logistics, and 3) NSF-funded Polar science. Candidates can be any community members that are supported or impacted by PGC activities. The deadline for nominations is May 1, 2023.
The PGC SOAC is currently composed of six members who provide advice and leadership to the Center regarding goals and strategic priorities in support of the Antarctic and Arctic research and logistics communities. Each committee member serves for a three-year term. PGC is seeking new members to replace those cycling off and an additional two members to contribute to the diversity and expertise represented in the current committee.
The SOAC Chair and members of the SOAC are selected by the Center leadership and approved by the NSF. SOAC membership consists of advisors with knowledge in the major research areas of the PGC (including but not limited to: polar remote sensing, high performance computing, and field operations and logistics support). The SOAC is charged with providing advice and guidance regarding the management and strategic direction of the NSF PGC Cooperative Agreement. The SOAC is the primary external advisory body to the project and is expected to comment on scientific strategy, research directions, and quality of deliverables from the Center’s various activities.
The SOAC will meet annually at the University of Minnesota or elsewhere in order to gain in-depth knowledge of relevant science and technology activities. There will also be a mid-year update virtual meeting. The SOAC will have opportunities throughout the year to interact with PGC staff and students.
Through engagement and familiarity with the NSF Arctic and Antarctic Sections, and Polar Programs in general, SOAC members also serve as emissaries for the Center. This is not an employed position but an opportunity to contribute to the strategic direction of the Polar Geospatial Center.
For questions, contact: Jonathan Pundsack, email: pundsack@umn.edu