Claire Porter

in About

…things, from treehouses and bookshelves to data management systems and HPC DEM production pipelines. My family loves wilderness travel, and we take long canoe and winter camping trips in remote places several times a year. Awards 2019 NOAA David Johnson…

Position Available: Education and Outreach Coordinator (July 2017) – Filled!

in Community: Careers

…knowledge of major social media platforms, e.g. Facebook, Twitter Primary Duties and Approximate Time Percentage COORDINATE ANNUAL PGC POLAR BOOT CAMP (20%) Promote via social media, newsletter, website Communication with applicants: application, travel, payment Organize and lead event: location, schedule,…

Announcing EarthDEM!

in Community: News

…using this vast dataset! PGC’s EarthDEM Webpage NASA Press Release Help us spread the word about EarthDEM by sharing our posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Header image is a hillshade of Caldwell Hills, CA. DEM derived from Maxar imagery….